Leading Your Team Through Crisis

In Uncategorized by Arthur Greeno1 Comment

Leaders are made through trial and fire, success, and failure. Through these successes, failures, tests, and fires, leadership evolves, and it is our obligation as leaders to encourage and share how we navigated through our experienced education.

It is crucial that we remain vigilant in our leadership and how we respond to a crisis. 

During this trial, the entire nation is reeling; our team wants to feel secure. They want to know they have a job, and if you can’t guarantee that, it is essential to let them know you care and will help them.  You might not have all of the answers yourself; this pandemic is uncharted territory. Of course, our experiences as leaders have taught us how to respond in a crisis, but it is important to be open to innovation and trying other creative possibilities. 

There comes the point in your business where you need to be more focused on taking care of your team before you focus on running profits. If you have no team, you have no profits.

Leaders should listen to their team. Are you noticing a change in behavior? Are they nervous? Leaders need to show empathy not create more fear. There are small things you can do to help your team feel secure in your leadership and how you will take care of them. You know your team, and if you don’t, ask! 

Be Creative  

My team needs to work. I need landscaping done at my store. Why not use someone on my team to help with that? Ask them if they can do it, maybe a family member. Could you give them the business? We have a service that takes care of our windows. I can teach someone on our team to do it to provide them with more opportunities for cash flow.

It’s about the Small Things 

 I found a jackpot on toilet paper. Did you ever think that would be one of our most valuable assets? I was able to secure some, so I bought more than I needed to pass on to my team. Now they are not worried about something that may seem trivial but needed! Find ways to make them feel supported and special. Make the mundane, spectacular!


Communicate with your team. Be honest! We may need to tighten our belts, but I am right there with them. I will support them. I created a survey to ask my team what exactly their needs are and how I can help them work through it. We also created a page on my website with information on where to go for emergency services and daily instructions. Many of our team members are parents, we located sites they can go to for food, free internet, medical assistance, and more. Need some assistance, feel free to take a look! Chick-fil-A Team Member Support 

Be Lighthearted but stay focused on goals

Now is not the time to loosen the grip on the critical goals of your business. Stay focused on your vision and values and business metrics while maintaining your leadership style. A lighthearted attitude will help your team process better rather than modeling a fear-based leadership style. You are a role model. It is your responsibility to carry your team through this crisis through your leadership, adaptability, and communication. 

Remember, know your team, communicate. Show empathy and be that role model that they need in a crisis. 


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